Vbvm: a Visual Basic(VB5) virtual machine for Linux. Last modification on November 4 1998.
Vice: Commodore 8 bits (PET, Vic20, C64, C128) emulators. Last modification on August 5 2000.
Vmware: a virtual machine that provides the ability to: 1. Run multiple
operating systems concurrently on a single PC - without repartitioning or
rebooting. 2. Interoperate among each of these operating systems. 3. Isolate
and protect each operating environment, and the applications and data that are
running in it. 4. Encapsulate and manipulate each operating environment, and
have the availability to roll back and restart, or move an environment among
differently configured machines. Last modification on December 20 2000.
VMWare: Allows you to run multiple OSs at the same time Last modification on December 19 2000.
Spectemu: Sinclair Spectrum emulator. Last modification on October 19 2000.
Replay+ Arcade Emulator: Replay+ is a multi-game Arcade emulator. It emulates the behavior of the
hardware of the original Arcade machines to provide you with the closest
experience to actually playing these games in an arcade. Last modification on April 4 1998.
Bochs: Bochs is a portable x86 PC emulation software package that emulates
enough of the x86 CPU, related AT hardware, and BIOS to run DOS, Windows '95,
Minix 2.0, and other OS's, all on your workstation. Though Bochs is commercial
software, source code for Bochs is available on the Internet, provided you
abide by the license with the source code. Last modification on November 14 2000.
McClone: McClone is a MacOS compatible library for developers and others who have
the source code to MacOS applications. Last modification on September 12 1998.
Atari: Atari 800/800XL/130XL/5200 emulators. Last modification on October 7 1998.
Stonx: Atari ST emulator. Last modification on March 3 2000.
Basilisk II: Basilisk II is an attempt at creating a free, portable 68k Mac emulator.
Basilisk II requires a copy of a 512K or 1MB Mac ROM and a copy of MacOS 7.x or
8.x to run. Last modification on November 14 2000.