Gnu-pascal. Last modification on December 24 2000.
Free Pascal: a free 32-bit Pascal compiler. Last modification on December 30 2000.
Irie Pascal: a fully 32-bit Standard (ISO/IEC 7185) Pascal processor consisting of
two programs, the Irie Pascal Compiler (referred to as the Compiler) and the
Irie Virtual Machine Interpreter (referred to as the Interpreter). The Compiler
and the Interpreter are both command-line (i.e. non-GUI) programs. The Compiler
is not a native code compiler (i.e. it does not generate instructions for a
real computer), instead it generates instructions (also called byte codes) for
an imaginary idealized computer (called the "Irie Virtual Machine"). Beta. Last modification on October 23 2000.
gpc: GNU Pascal compiler. Last modification on December 24 2000.
Lazarus: Lazarus Object Pascal IDE Last modification on March 7 2000.