DIPC: distributed inter-process communication for parallel programming. Last modification on December 29 2000.
Newmat: a C++ matrix library. Last modification on October 19 2000.
LiDIA: C++ library for computational number theory. Last modification on November 23 2000.
PLAPACK: parallel linear algebra package. Last modification on November 29 2000.
NTL 1.7: A Library for doing Number Theory: NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data
structures and algorithms for manipulating signed, arbitrary length integers,
and for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite
fields. Last modification on April 16 1999.
Diffpack: object-oriented C++ library for partial differential equations. Last modification on March 23 1999.
SvLis: a C++ and set-theoretic kernel geometric modeller. Last modification on March 7 2000.
LINK: a software system for discrete mathematics. Last modification on December 18 2000.
C_BLAS 123: Pentium optimized BLAS implimentation for C. Last modification on December 9 1999.
COOOL: tools for writing optimization code and solving optimization problems. Last modification on September 15 2000.
C_EisPack: full implementation of EISPACK optimized for C/C++. Last modification on December 9 1999.
LiDIA: LiDIA is a C++ library for computational number theory which provides a
collection of highly optimized implementations of various multiprecision data
types and time-intensive algorithms. The entire LiDIA functionality can be used
interactively through LiDIA's LC interpreter. LC implements a subset of C++ and
provides in addition to standard programming facilities, function overloading
and automatic coercions. Last modification on November 23 2000.
Zen: A new toolbox for fast computation in finite extension over finite
rings. Last modification on December 27 2000.
NAG C Libraries: a large collection of algorithmic routines written in C. Last modification on August 21 2000.
gpc++: genetic programming in C++. Last modification on June 20 1996.
LInteger: a set of C++ libraries supporting multiple precision integers. Last modification on September 21 2000.
FEAT: a general FEM subroutine system and a program for incompressible
Navier-Stokes equations. Last modification on August 6 2000.
MTL: a high-performance generic component C++ library for matrix. Last modification on August 6 2000.