S.u.S.E.: A distribution from Germany. Last modification on December 20 2000.
Debian: the `most free' distribution available today, maintained by a big group
of volunteers. Last modification on December 28 2000.
Stampede: A new distribution for pentium machines. Last modification on November 9 2000.
SEUL (Simple End-User Linux): a Linux project that aims to help provide a viable alternative to
commercial PC operating systems. Our goal is to help create a computer
operating environment for the average person: one that can be installed without
a PhD, maintained without calling Tech Support, and used with the confidence
that it will work, rather than waiting for the next crash. Last modification on December 16 2000.
Linux Mandrake: New distribution, integrating Red Hat and KDE. Last modification on December 17 2000.
Conectiva: A Brazilian Distributions of Linux Last modification on October 9 2000.
Project Independence: Project Independence seeks to make life easier for newcomers to linux.
we are currently building a software repository, and a website to act as a
"front end" to the repository.'' Last modification on August 5 2000.
Yello Dog Linux: Linux distribution for Macintosh PPC and G3 computers Last modification on December 16 2000.
NoMad: NoMad is a Linux distribution based on the encap package managing system
for ease of installation and upgrades. It's main purpose is to keep it's
creators happy and give them something to do in their free time. Last modification on September 28 2000.
e-smith server and gateway: Open-source software that converts a PC into a Linux Internet server Last modification on December 23 2000.
The LætOS Project: Offering a Linux distribution for the general public to propose a real
alternative to the proprietary OS/software on this market. LætOS will include a
graphic installation, hardware detection, etc. Last modification on December 12 2000.
Enoch: An Advanced, Highly-Optimized GNU/Linux Last modification on July 16 1999.